Polish Patients Association
Primum Non Nocere
Polish version, wersja polska
About us
Our postulates
Oct 27th 2004 WHO launch the World Alliance for Patient Safety
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights investigation
Declaration of European, medical accidents and malpractice victims organizations, Berlin Oct. 2003
Complaint to the European Commissioner for Human Rights 19 Jan 2002
Intern. collaboration, document signed by three European organizations
Letters and appeals
The functioning of medical law system in Poland
medical malpractice - Poland and other countries/ Data comparison
Letters to international organizations
Increase in a number of deaths during strike of anaesthesiologists in 1999
Press articles about our activity
See also sppnn.tripod.com/sppnn.htm
You are
person visiting English part of the web sit
You can publish your comments and opinions in the guestbook
you can contact us
by phone:
every day using mobil phone number +48601546547
by e mail
or monday 3 pm to 5 pm in our office
Warsaw Marymoncka str. 105 p.9
Post address:
Stowarzyszenie Pacjentow Primum Non Nocere
Marymoncka str. 105 p.9
01 813 Warsaw
Thank you for visiting our web sit
We do not receive government funding. Our activity is financed by victim's contributions and small financial help of our supporters. If you are financially able to make a contribution, and wish to help us, we inform on the bank address and acc. no:
10201068-298609-270-1. VI Dep. PKO BP in Warsaw, Pulawska 15 str.