Medical Malpractice Links

German Organization Patientenschutz
German Organization Deutscher Patienten Schutzbund e.V
University of Minesota- Helth and Human Rights Links
Medical Malpractice Victims Organization - Szaare Zedek Israel
Action for Victims of Medical Accidents U.K.
Medical Error Survivor Support - Australia
Amercan Iatrogenic Association
Germany. Relations of medical malpractice
vivtims.Law changes postulates
Dutch Society of Medical Dissidents protects
patients who have suffered a medical error
Patients' Rights Ombudsmen Japan
Sufferers of Iatrogenic Neglect - UK
USA organization to improve patient safety and reduce medical errors
Canadien organization - Voices on Health-care Concerns & Accountability
Help for victims of medical errors
Aide au Victomes d'Erreurs Medical - France
